In haiti, there are many people who are living in misery. they can’t find any food to eat sometimes they die of startavation.The youth cant go  to school because  he don’t have means.They fall in give  birth to many  children are living in the streets.Their parents can’t take care of them.These children are not educated  and they don’t have any means  to learn any profession .They become kidnappers, kill people specially at the capital.Inhaiti,there is not  agovenment whitch is thinking about the youth.So the youth are doing wrong things.There are about 80% of youth who don’t go to school ,they have nothingt to do ,they have no profession  they are obliged to go to the Dominican Republic in order to find a better life.Sometimes the dominicans treat them bad like slaves.We can evalue there are 2o% who did not go to school .So the youth  sometimes finish school  and they can’t go to college then they are  obliged to take boat for foreing country.Sometimes,even if they arrive, in the foreing countries  they die.We are youth who went to school, we would like this situation change.We demand all the countries in the world to think with the youth in haiti because  when we finish  school,we can’t go anywhere.Many of us have——-but we have no we can’t go to university.So the misery in creases from time to time.I am the man who writes this subject ,I am in thirteen grade at the « Institution classique de Bayonnais », my dream is become an agronom in this country in order to help the peasants to grow the earth better.To prevent starvation ,I am obliged to tchoose agronomy to avoid erosion.       

My email is:


février 13, 2008

  • My name Alcius.  My first name is Madecene.  I am in thirteenth grade. I am tweny-four years old.   I am a student at the Institution Classique de Bayonnais.    The principal is Actionnel Fleurisma. My email address is   Love, Alcius.


My brothers and sisters, I find a grand occasion in this moment for you to know about my difficult situation.  It makes me very sad because  I don’t know what I must do? Dear readers, I would ask you to think about this subjet which presents itself before you today, because in Haiti there is a lack  of developpement which  is the greatest cause of poverty in Haiti. I am in thirteenth grade and this is the  last grade. I will finish high school this same year and I have no ability to go to the university after high school.  Dear readers, I pray you to think about helping the situation of this country.  Since my birth I had a dream, and my dream this is to  become an agronomist in order to help farming and fight erosion in Haiti.  The main reason I like agronomy is helping the countrymen and countrywomen to cultivate the ground which is becoming more and more non-cultivable.  I choose this science in order to help the countrymen who have no ability to own a fertile ground, to have a good way to work.  A big problem in Haiti is that after high school the students can’t advance any more because their parents don’t have a the ability to lead them to the university. They leave the country to go to the Dominican Republic to see how they may better their lives.  Dear readers, I pray you to think well about my subject , because God loves he who helps others who are less fortunate.  My brothers and sisters ,Iwould want to say to you that my mother has been sick for many years. She has been paralyzed for many years.  She knows neither how to write nor read and my father doesn’t either . They have no possibility to send me to the university.  You, who have the possibility, who wants the young Haitian to  leave the poverty, become an intellectual man in life, you are prayed to think about my subject because the first thing which caused this problem in Haiti  is the  »the lack of eduacation. » The main reason which caused under -developpement in Haiti this is  »the lack of education » I would want to say to you the first thing missing in haiti is education .The young haitians aren’t educated because they have  no possibility to learn something .This is the reason why young  haitians often make poor decisions.  My brothers and sisters ,I write this subject for the world. You who read this subject think about the young haitians and firstly myself.  There are four months left before I finish high school but I don’t know where will  I go afterwards? Dear readers ,thank you for thinking about my subject.  I can’t say anything more to you.
The peace of God be with all of you who are thinking with me about this subject .